Download App
Download Chakachak app now to discover exclusive laundry & ironing deals in your area!
Install the app and sign up to avail the most economical and quickest laundry & ironing service.

Easy registration & order process
Easy registration & order process
You can sign up directly from Facebook, or just enter your e-mail to use the app. The whole process is simple and requires just a few clicks.

Place new orders
Place new orders
Open Chakachak App: Hit new order button, choose order type, choose pickup and delivery time, place order and relax. We will do the rest!

Weekly Ironing Service
Weekly Service
We are there to serve your daily needs. Choose a date & time and we will collect the clothes every week for your order.

Express checkouts available
Express checkouts available
We provide 12-hour express checkouts for people who want their clothes washed & ironed urgently. They will be priced a nominally more from the regular checkout prices.

Track your order
Track your order
You will be notified by SMS & email when your order is received, picked, processed, ready for delivery and delivered to you. You can view the status in the app also.

Order history
Order history
All of your current and completed orders are there for you to see. Check order details, prices and all the dates.

Payment methods
Payment methods
We accept all debit & credit cards and you can also pay easily via available wallets & Internet banking also

Exciting offers & discounts
Exciting offers & discounts
You will be notified time to time for upcoming offers, discount coupons, codes, etc. to avail our ironing services with added benefits.